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tv   Fox 45 Morning News  FOX  September 6, 2010 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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now on fox riffe morning news. we created in the last eight months on an average 90,000 99,s per month. >> the status of the nntion's economy on labor day. how this rookie managed to put a man from a burning car. it's the last days of the 1 best days of summer. what you can find at the maryland state fair on its last day. live in high definition from -bff, t.v. in baltiiore. this is fox 45 mmrning news all locallall morning. good morning, it's monday, septtmber 6tt, labor day. iim patrice harris. let's get a check of our forecast because people are lot of people off of work today. meteorologist steve fertig is herr with the kind of day you >>a lot of barbeques goong on
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today. we got terps game, and we've got, what else do we have? we got the orioles afternoon game. great weather for all. >> lots of sunshine, yeah. >> never a bad thing to go back to -- >> it will be nice out there inú matter what ou have planned.3 you have a barbeque planned. the temperatures climbing to the 88s, right now 55 degrees in baltimore..3 -3 n salisbury and cooler in hagersttwn. %-radar.ry conditions on sky hd high pressure is responsible ú%th the sun. we will get warmer coming in here for tomorrow as we see the approaching for wednesday. it could pop up lighh shower in spots but the kee cooler aiir the end of the trip. warm days, cool nights, and the theme for this week. mainll sunny through friday. with more shhwers. ú%better chance for saturday. right now, let's turn it back to you, patrice.
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6:01 on fox 45 morning news. the head of the u.s. labor department pays a visittit howard couuty. megan gilliland joneses live with the latest on what she had to say about the state of the economy on this labor day. good orning, megan. >> reporter: on the weekend we honor working americans. the u.s. department of labor secretary, hilga s lis so lis is visiting the hardest workers in america.3 the unemployment stands at a low 557%. across the country it's higher. the attst figures showiig 9.6% of americans are without jobs. while the numbers are grim, ss lis says the conomm is moving forward. >> we have created in the last eight months on aa average 90,000 months with job. in the last 22 months when bush -as president there was no job growth. that's a big difference.
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>> on fox news sunday, republican senator, john mccain blaated that the argument, saying that the economic other policies have failed and more people are unemployed out in that than what the stimulus package was passed. the secretary will hee head3 milwaukee joining president obama to peak there. >we want to now what you think, is the economy moving forward? it's the question of the day. we will take our calls during thee7:000hour..3 you can go to foxbaltimore.comm3 and tell us what you think orú sound off through facebook. send us' tweet at fox baltimore or text your answer at 45203. %-baltimore near pennsylvania or fulton avenue on saturday niiht. according to police, the teenage certify in sttble condition and is expected to recover. in anne arundel county,,3 police make an arrest in a deadly shooting in brooklyn
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last month the man was shot to deatt while he sat in his car. at the time police were searching for three teenagers. now police aae searching for ú%rtin mcfadden with murder. new details are coming after a man stormed into the discovery building in silver spriig and for tteefirst time we are hearing from the officers on the scene. >> we cannot tell whaa you has. >> we have a man inside with a vest strapped on him and some kiin of a device on his hand. >> last wednesday, 43 years old %-building and took threecovery hostages. he hadda long-running crusadeú against the cable netwook. this weekend, police released the 9-11 call from the of the incident. >> montgomery county 911, what is theeincident.3 the 1 discovery place. >> 1 discovery place? >> yes and he has got a gun and
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he is going through the front desk and he has got people on the floor. >> i was outside standing outsidaboutto go in the lobbyy someone said, don't go in there. there's somebody with a gun. i can only see the gun. i left. >> police shot and klled lee afterra 4 hour standoff. investigators say a deadly have been triggered by a lost stash of drugs. it may have happeeed near frederick avenue. smith was shot several times in the back, she later died at the hospital. initial reports say that a drug dealer had hii den cocaine in the wheel well of a car belonging to the victim's husband. he didn't know and drove off with the stash and it was lost. that is when the dealer showed up with the shotgun. the street. i didn't know at that time they were eveeninvolved in the activity that had just happened. i heard the gunshot and i had
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the door open to let my dog out. i quick shut the door bbcause i did not want them to see me if they were involved in it. >> a 14-year-old aad a mannwere allo shoo in the incident. so far there's no word of any arrests, but police say they are wooking with good leads.3 it might be labor day, but the polls are open. early votinn continues today or it's the first time innmaayland historr voters will get a chance to cast their ballots ellú before the traditional election day. early voting began friday and will continue through this thursdayy thening. but the extrr days aree't free will cost the state millions. >> ww paid so much in money to secure the rights toovote for ooher people, i think that this is a small expense to pay in order to encourage more of ourú citizees to take part in that fundamental part of our
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democracy. early voting available for the general electioonthis yyar. former governor bob ehrlich is hitting the airwaves. the erier ehrlich campaign reled its first commercial yesterday. it was ennitled let's go to it highlights his priorities for getting the state back on track. >> today maryland is in trouble. we're worst off than they were four years ago. and not enougg jobs.3 we need real leadership to turn the state around. >> fix theebudget, honesty. >> grow small businesses,ú really. >> the o'malley campaigg responded to the ad saying it was full of falle innuendo, and empty promises. attorney general, doug gensler is issuing a warning about campaign literatuue before vooers head to the. they want to make sure that they get tte facts straight
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particularly when they get to endoris:endorsements. sooe brochures imply that they have been endorsed by local %-gensler will investigate action. get all of the latest information on the next week's ú%%-go to and k on the 2010 vote i con. ♪ the 11 best days of summer are wrapping up at the state ffir after getting by far the biggest nighh, lasttnight. justin bieeer concert sold out in seconds and t had folks waiting in line for hours just to get in. joel d smith is live in timonium with the afterrath of hat concert and more about what is still left to do. morning, joel.
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>> reporter: there is. if you are off for labor daay some on out to the maryland state fair, still a lot of theecakes and stuff. we are talking about the bieber is over. the screaming and all of that is finely over. %-eight hours and sooe people overnight o get the wrist bands to get inside the 90 minutte3 justin bibbe bieber. at one time he had them stop, 12,500 of them, they get a littll crazy. we are talking about crazy if you think of rob outer robots a. that is what we got. i hhve been playing around with the robots. i'm etting better at this one. how long did it ake to make the robots? >> these rooots were built in a couple of days by some of our members. in the actual build competition,
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when school starts to about endú ú%>> reporree: a lot of time, %-how long did it take yu to master this?%-p>> sinne i have r aalittle bit it hasn't taken me very long. it's really easy and anyone can do it. >> repoorer: anyone can do it is the key. i'm on the clock.ú we're ccming in hot. %-still.i got to practice, thhs is not working at all. look out. the doughnut thing is not myy3 deal. - can eat these but not really maneuvee them very well. back to you. >> don't sound so dejected. i'm pretty iipressed with how far you have come. joel, you're almost there. drop, drop it. >> reporter: hey! >> [applause]! >> reporter: i will let you know how it turns out. >> yeah, yeah. so close, joel. so close. all right.
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we will check back in. >> reporter: heecheated, did you see that little move. coming up next, make a pig of yourself at the ppg town the sights and sounds of the neighborhood celebration. if you are headed to the state fair what a great day to do that. 84 degrees for a high today this afternoon with plenty of
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pig out this weekend. the pig town festival will have you squealing with jjy. we have the details for this morning's hometown hot spot.
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good morning, darrell. good morninn, how are you? >> i am great. what is going on at the pig town festival. hi see someepigs standiig by. we do have the pigs standing by. this is the 9th annual pig %-septembbr 11th fromrday 11100 aam. and the 900 too500 block of washington boulevard. it's on the general stage. we will have 5, or 6, live bands performing. it's the running of the pigs. we won't have the pigg actually today but we do have the pig town piggexpressing and getting reaay to run with the pigs. >> when you say running with the pigs, yyu saying pig nooe, or the pig nosed people nd the pigs that are there? >> this orning we havv the nose pigged people but this week we will have reaa live pigs racing through the ssreets. p> we will have to check on that.
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that. darrell, thank you very much. >> you're quite welcomm. >> the pig festival is on -aturday, an and for more innormation log on it the hogs, but it's not hog town at pig town. here is what we got.ú sky watch hd radar dry conditions looking pretty good and it's going to continue to look nice all day long, 55 degrees starting out and winds out of the northeast at 5 miles per hour, 54% relative humidity, the 48 is the dew point. isn't too bad. 63 in d.c. but cooler as you head south and east in salsú salisbury. looking at dew points n the 40s so temperatures are allowed to drop. high pressure overhead, bring us plenty of sunshine today. as it shifts toward the east as it moves ttrough this week. this that allows for a warm up,
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and plenty of sunshine the warm temperatures come in behind that as it flies further east. cooler for the end of the week, dropping to he 70s perhaps or staying around 83, a few degrees cooler and fermin. it's expected to move tooardú brownsville, texas by later today or tomorrow. as we take a look at what is happening in the tropics, gaaton is still out there and thh remnants of the tropical deppession. ittcould re-strengthen as it. moves into the lesser antilles tomorrow and without a lot f upper warm level wind to help -reak it apart, t may redevelop. will have to watch still. 82 degrees for high ttmperature in thh eastern shore wiih plenty of sunshine. northeast winds become soutteast later. the cennral part of the state of sunshine for you as well.
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we won't leave you out if you're in the western part of maryland. you will get plenty of sun, too, a temperature of 83 degrees for the high. as far as the game today between the orioles and yankees, it's an afternoon gaae, 1:05 firrt pitth temperature, 89 degreee, a nice day to be at camden yards. 62 degrees the overnight lows tonight with ainly clear skies, not clear, but completely south wind at 5-10 miles per hour. tomorrow 86 degrees, a little warmer, 84 on wednesday. we're seeing it could be a little warmer or cooler depending on how fast the front moves through. it stays warmer than that. if it moves quickerr it will coolldown into he upper 70s. with a better chance of showersy then than any other time during the wwek. %-clear skies.sunday with mostly that's a complete look at the weather. patrice, back to you. thank you, steve. consider it a board game for the 21st century. disney interactive studios isú
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out with a video game guilty party. the game is designed for the 910 we have four games to give away. the caller at (411)481-4545 will win the game. lee's say i work for the blah-blah-blah and they gave me a license to blah. >> the films studios aae bankin3 on making more money on studio shelves than at threaters. a rookie cop become a heary. how many jobs he has been o on e today is the day i double down.
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[ male announcer ] the kfc double down. double meat, double cheese, double bacon. double awesome. get yours today. so good. ♪ so s-o g-double-o-d good
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it's somethiig even most veteran coos will get a chance to do, but after just days on the job, aarookie anddtwo ooher atlanta deputies are being called heros after saving a man from burning car. as george ffank oweeexplains it was all caught on tape. the flames were shooting in every direction as the regal burnnd with a man inside when the deputy fist arrived. the deputy said a passerby had arrived before he did butt wouldn't get inside the car. within aaminute after the deputy's arrival they lso came on scene. the southbound lane of interstate 75 in gordon county. windows to reach the struggling
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driver, the 22-year-old deputy cochran is a rookie. >> this was the second night on patrol. >> i never thought that the something that intense.t >> just the flames and having somebody in the car and knowing you know you have to get him out. >> reporter: get him out they diddrushing into the passsnggr's siie of the car because the driver's side dents and damage prevented them from reaching the motorist..3 deputies cochran and battle busting out the window getting don out to safety. >> we were all working together to save a manns life. ú% i can't express how proud i am of these deputies. >> reporter: the sheriff mitch tells us that the deputies were on the scene three minutes after getting the call. rescue crews arrived juss a few minutes after that. they rushed the burned motorists to the hospital, burned but alive thanks to the efforts of the deputies. >> are you guys heros?
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p> we're ust doing our job. coming up a fisherman reels in a big one..33 this is probably once in lifonnc-in-a-lifetime thing. >> which maryland river this shark was swimming innwhen he the one and only, my dear friend randy jackson. >> and later, and then there was one. why kara is leaving as randy ♪ i thought it was over here... ♪ [car horn honks] our outback always gets us there... ... sometimes it just takes us a little longer to get back. ♪
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just if time for labor day, a somewhat encouragingú
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employment report eased fears on wall street. %-the nasdaq aad s&p finished higher. the markets will be closed on monday for labor day. the economy is still losing jobs but not as bad as expected. 54,000 jobs were lost in august. businesses actually added 67,000 jobs. that is more than analysts predicted and itts the 8th straight month that businesses the bp oil spill was capped inú july but it's still costing the oil giant $90 billion a day to clean up the oil spill. 339 million of that has been in claims by those hurt in the oil spill. soup is still on for campbells but for how ong. the quarter net economic increased but the company's soup sales have dropped 2% his year. thh company's profiis were
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bolstered by the saae of v8 and snacks. to soups.aunching a cammaignnto i'm stan case. coming p a whale of a tale in the potomac. >> this is probably a whhre a fisherman caught this 8-foot shark and why they might3 be more common than you think. on the weekknd when we honor working americans, the u.s. department of labor secretary visits our region. i'm megan gilliland, what she had to say about the state of our economm. p>> that is not just jus pin jun bieber. -t'sscardboard elvis.
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welcome back to ox 45 morning news. 6:30 is the time. and not a lot of ovementtout on the roads, a few cars here and there, people are up and heading out, but a lot of people are up and staying in this mornnng on this labor day. it's a vacation holiday for a lot of people. good morning, i'm patrice harris. meteorologist steve fertig is here at work. he is going to tell you about all of the great weather ttatt3 people are going to enjoy today. doo't stay in too long, because it's oing to be so nice, that you're going to want to get outside and enjoy thiss3 day.
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with a lottof sunshine and ú%mperatures climbing nicely. %-the day, 65 degrees right now but don't worry, not going to stop righh theee. we let get into the low 80s and aanice day this afternoon. great day for the barbeque. the dew point is rather low that allows for the coolltemperature %-typiially thisstime of year we get the warm afternoons, but cool nights. you see dry conditions withhddy pressure overhead bringing us cool days.3 the showers up ahead and away from our region. we will be looking good throughout the day. 84 degrees for the high. the winds becoming southwest later at 5 to 10 miles er hour. autumn is only 16 days away. with that good news, e will send t back to you, patrice. >> gee, thanks, sseve. 6:31 on fox 45 morning news. the department of labbr secretary makes as special visit it our region visiting ard working americans in howard countyythis holiday weekend. megan gilllland is live ith th3
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latest about what sheehad to say on the state of the economy. on the weekend we honor hee3 working americans. the u.s. department labor secretary is isiting some the hardest working men and women in america. she at the fire station at howard county where the unemployment rate stands aa a %-acroos the country it's much higher. latest figure shhws that 9.7 of americans are wwihout job. republican senator john mccaan blasted that argummnt. >> the economic policies have failed. jobs, but the fact is when they they is unemployment woull be a maximum of 8%, it's now 9.6%, enough said. >> it's an issue congress and senate will be shortly foousedú on when they return from the
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labor day holiday. meanwhile the secretary and president obaaa will continue talks around the country this holiday weekend meetiig today in ú%lwaukke to speak to workers there. megan gilliland, fox 45 we want to fo know what you tte economy moving . we will see the question of the day. you can go to is tells you what you think. sound off on facebook or text your answer to 45203, enter fox 45a for yes r fox 45b for no. baltimore city police are investigating an early morning officers say a man walked into the hospital at 3:30 this morning suffering from a bullee wound. they say a shooting occurred in paceon and holland street in southwest baltimore. there's no word on the victim's3 condition or a suspect. a town house in glen burnie goes up in flames and investigators believe it waa arson. it happened about 2:00 in the morning on sunday on valiant
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-ircle. a woman and a child were iiside at the time but managed to makk it out alive. inveetigators are still trying %-on fire.ouutwho set the place a 2-year-old boy dies after falling into a pool in anne arundellcounty. home on picnic oaa in pasadena on saturday morning. they say the child was swimming and had to be pulled out of the water by a family member who then perrormed cpr. the boy was taken to washington3 medicallcenter where he later died. after months of controverss lawmakers in sevvral states, craig's list has removed its adult services category. the section on the po pop popule ad was full of prostitution but it wasn't until several states including maryland began demanding changes. if you go on the site you can't cllck on the adult section.
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almost as soon as the craiggsú list took down the controversial category, skeptics begaa scanning for other controversial ads to pop up on the other part3 of thh ad ann they have. >> it bases on the exploitation of people who are vullerable. there's going to be people who make a lot of mooney of money o. they are going to find other means to adverrise. >> now police are hoping that craig's list and users of the site wiil make it their duty by a fisherman nnmaryland made a catch that you just to have see to belief. he eeled in a big one this week. an 8-foot bull shark and it was caught near a place where children swim. as julie parker reports, the man hhs quite a shark tale to tell. >> reporter: willl dean spends most days on a boat in southern maryland, but after more than 30 years of commercial
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fishing this is was a first. [ laughterr] >> reporter: dean aad several other men wrestled this 8-foot 1 inch bull shark out of their boat on wednesday. they are were near the potomac river. >> i seen these fins down there and i said it's big. i don'' know what it is, what kind, but it's big. >> reporter: bull sharks aren't bothered by freshwatee and travel far inland. they swim in shallow water. this one turned up about a half a mmle from shore. was swimming there two weekser >> this s one of the four most aggressive sharks on the east coast. this is the one that attacks people. >> reporter: what is ven more remarkable an even larger ú%ll shark, this one, 8-foot 3 inches long was cauuht three miles from here on the sameeday. the last bull shark caught
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around here was in the mid-1970s. sooe families aren't changing theirrplans because of the shark. >> will the kids swim? >> rrporter: dean plans to get the headdplanted nd made samples of shaak meat for su!! supper. >> this is probably aú ooce-in-a-lifetime thing. ♪7 ♪ bbeber fever, we talled about it all last week. hang over. the canadian singing sensation concert was last night. state fair can recover on this last day. joel d smith is live with moore ú% done on this last day. good morning, joel. >> reporter: lots to see and lots to do. %-has reached iconic status, doy they have a cardboard image made in their image.
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elvis does, i don't see justin bieber here, so he has to go. ú%ven the 10,000 strong here last night he is on his way. ♪ -> reporter: the tweens were very happy yysterday waiting in line eight hoursssome of them even longer to see justin bieber 90 minute set packed with all kinds of excitement and fun. it was at the infield here in timonium. the one point where he had to stop the song anddtell people to step back. that tends to happen when you ggt that many happy people in one place. we have special ffshions to talk abouu with sandy..3 who made this stuff? >> the girls made it. >> reporter: pretty cool. >> we havee45 coming with fashions that they made from across the state today. >> reporter: they are going to be judged by someone pretty >> they are. hollle kristen has a cotuor shop
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in new york and she is going to come as a keynote speaker. catches her eye, they may be signed up.ú >> she has ssid thaa she is looking for interns, so it coul3 be exciting. >> reporter: something i haven't seen, pockets on the dress,,who gave you that idea? >> the patternn. >> reporter: are most dresses3 >> no. >> reporter: see ttat is a good thing..3 we have to have pockets to put our microphones and notes.ú maybe we can get this one for patrice. >> they look like something that you can pick up at any store..3 those girls are well on their way. >> reporter: she wore his one to her prom. >> yes, yes, i woulddtake ne with pockets. i have dresses with pockets, it's all good. >> reporter: i don't. ♪
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♪ after months of speculation, kara connirms what everyone suspected. she faced major criticism as tte 4th judge when she joined is mosimon cowell but spree she prú credibility and even followed her own funnsseps. july shh was leavvng after only one season. there's speculation if the remaining judge, randy will be back. >> american idol needs randy johnnon because he is one of the hii calm, cool collected manner works well in american idol. peoppe love randy as a judge. >> the bii question now is who next season? the rummr front runners includeú jennifer lopez and a lot of ttlk
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about her trying to negotiate a contract, and stephen yler, but fox has yet to coofirm any names. from box off flops o dvd ú%ccesses. >> i work for the blah-blah-blah and they gave e a license to blah. >> thh movies that studios ú%counting on making more money threaters. a great day for it. take a lookkat it, 84 degr
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as a career prosecutor i made decisions on facts not politics. in washington, i'm trying to do the same. that's why i voted to crackdown on wall street and protect the bay. and why i voted against the $3 trillion budget, the big bank bailout, and against the health care bill. you see for me it's not about democrats or republicans it's about common sense and doing what's best for our families. maybe that's why i'm ranked one of the most independent members of congress. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message.
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kids are imak in school for the school year. yyu know whht that means? session. if you would like your kid to be a part of weather kid section, just have a teaaher or a
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counselor send their nominationú at 2,000, 41st street baltimore 21211. or go to -p now we want to go to %-see what we are expecting tod. dry conditions, definitely need bbcause there's plenty of ssnshine. 55 degrees is the temperatureú this morning at the inner harbor, not hat you're in a rush to head out there,,perhaps you got the day off, but a nice north wind at 53 miles per hour and 43% relative umidity aad 48 degrees is the dew point number. 63 in d.c., warmer innthe metro areas, but down in salisbury 53 degrees, up in hagerstown, 51.ú and here is wheee we're headed, as far as the dew points, we will talk about that, too. %-start of the day.g to the cool low dewwpoont temperatures, that will also be an indication of the dry air in place and the
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reason why we ill have pllnty of sunnhine. high pressure sitting overhead brings us all of that ssn for today and through thh next %-the high pressure center dries off to the east and will help bring all of this warm air behind the warm front for tomorrow. wednesday, this front will be very to getting near us. we will be watching us and also you will see what looks like a tropical system and very weel could be trrpical storm fermin a possibility for that development, we will be wwtching that one. otherwise back towaaddthe east in the atlantic, we're keeping an eye on tte remnants of gaston. gaston is expected to redevelop as it moves into the warmer of uuper level wind to break it apart. it looks like there could be a rebirth of gaston if you will. 29-mile per hour wind, what we got is gaston and we will be watching s it makes its wwy toward the lesser antilles. 82 degrees at the eastern shore.
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lots of sunshine, winds will shift to the southeass at 5-10 milee an hour. the central part of the state will cllmb to 84 degrees. we will get there at 4:00 this afternoon. the nooth winds will become south at 5-10 miles per hour -ater on. plenty san francisco ssin!! of . and a nice day for everybody across the state. yankees come to town, 1:00 the game, 1:00 for the temperature, lott of sunshine and the southeast wind nnttbbd, it should be a nice day for baseball at camden yards. toniggt, 62 degrees overnight with mainly clear skies. tomorrow, 86 degrees for he high, wednesday, temperatureú wise a little iffy, depend upon the spped at which the cold a little bit longer it could be ú%rmer than 84. it comes in lowerrwe drop to upper 70s, 80 degrees for thursday, 80 on friday with mostly sunny skies, 79 a better chance of ssowers on saturday than any other time thhs week as
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the next front comes through. we ill warm up it back for sunday with mostly unny skies. patrice, back to you. thank you, steve. ell, still to come, it was one of the iggest flops oo the3 year. >> do not underestimate this3 man. >> it's n upper decker in the master bedroom. >> why there's a good chance that plaqu!mcgroover wwll make e ú%%-threaters.han it diddin a new treatment for diabetes. whht they found that
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a 15 year-old boy is rushed to the hospital afterrhe is shot in the face. itthappened at northwest baltimore near pennsylvania avenue on saturday niiht. according to the police the
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teenage certifteenager is in crl connition and is expected to recover. he died at shock trauma. the latest homicide brings baltimore's tottl to 147 so far this year. that is tww less than this time last year. there's new research that people wwth type 1 diabetes should know about. the american di diabetes association cooducttd a study that blood glucose level are more out of control with an insulin pump rather than insulin %-we are here with the doctor to tell us all about the stuuy this mooningg >> good morning, doctor. >> tell me more about what thh results of this study were. veryyinteresting for all of the ppople dealing with diabetes? >> i think this is really
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with type one diabetes to knowú about. this study shows combining some of the latest technology inn3 senator, we caa finally get excellent blood sugar control avoiiing high and the loo blood sugars in a very effective way. >> how would people wwth type 1 diabetes, how do they control their diabetee now versus how ú%ey can according to this new study? >> eah. i mean right now people with multiple injections of insulin every day, monitor their blood sugar poking their fiiger. now we have a new approach with in new technology, where they wear an insulin pump, like aú small ppger on the belt, i delivers insulin ssowly and steedily all day long. ii has a censor that measuree their blood sugar every 5 minutes ffr them and commmnicates with the pump. this is a majorrbreakthrough inú getting smoother, more effective
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diabetes control. >> it soonds like this. talk bouu what that means in3 terms of their health and also it sounds like they will have a lot more freedom. >> yeah, i mean people with diabetts work so hard. -e just want them to lead a the things that other kids do,l other teenager do, other adults do. this sensor augmented pump therapy will help them do that. because it can kkep your blood sugar at a mmre normal range more of the time, avoid the high suggessugars that can cause compliiations and avoid the low blood sugars that can be dangerous as well. >> is this just for adults or can children use hese that are3 the type 1 diabetes? >> that's a good question. this goes rom children as young as 7 years old to teenagers up to adults. we haven't ad good approaches in the past for childrennand teenagers that was very
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good blood sugars but leaa a healthy and active jobs. >> a lot of people want o know about this. is it available now and if so where dooyyu get it. >> yeah that is the exciting thing. this is reallyyimpprrant research, but it's research on available today. so talk to your medical team, your doctor aboot the censor augmented pump therapy? >> dr. thank you very much for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. [ laughing ] hey, let me see that map for a second.
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just drive, we'll get there! adventure runs on dunkin', with our lineup of oven-toasted breakfast sandwiches. from egg white flatbreads to bagel sandwiches, grab your favorite just the way you like it. hurry in to dunkin' donuts for a delicious veggie or turkey sausage egg white sandwich.
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they weren't big hits in the threaters but studios hope to have success with the fflms when
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they're released on dvds. >> sometimes jjnnyy no t it's jen. just jen. >> the movie killers could have3 made it a success ashton kutcher %-they play a married couple but kutcher hhs a big secret. >> the former assassin. three years after their marriage, he find out that he is the taaget of the assassination target his wife, the killer could be any of his hi new found friends. >> a movve that did even worse, mcgroover. >> i'm in. >> based on the saturday night live sketch, s and star plays a bubblinggoperaaive who must domination. >> i don't use guns. i'm going to use homemade sploosives that !!explosives wi.
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the jonas brothers are guarrnteed money mmkers. their disnee channel movie comes out tomorrow. think of it as high school -usical t summer camp. follows tww brothers and a fallen angel as they take on the devil's army. >> super central season ppemier is september 24th. -p clark kent tries to embrae his calling in smallville season 9. this is the longest unning superman .v. series. selling illegal guns, intimidating witnessessand %-right.o raise their kids ttat is what happens in season 2 of the sx seeies sons of3 anarchy. it's about a bbker gang trying
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to stayyone step ahead of the law and bring their families up aa the same time. sonssof anarchy season 2 is on video now. 20th century fox sent us copies to give away. you can win the show on blu blu, if you're the 5th caller t phone known. take the labor day cook oot %-out back is heating up the on the weekend when weehonor working americans. the u.s. department of labor %-i'm megaa gilliiand.gion. what she had to ay about the state of the economy. flowers, crab and even fish. guess whht? they're all edible. the maryland state fair where we have other things to
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[ male announcer ] antiques can be nice.
7:00 am
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americans. the status of the nation's economy on labor day. and it is the last day f the 11 best days of summer. what you can find at the maryland state fair on its last dayy live in hive definition, from wbff t.v. in baltimore. this is fox 45 morning news, all
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good morning. it's monday, september 6th. i'm patrice harris. welcome to the labor day. hopefully you haveea good day %-work today. of yoo are off meteorologist steve fertig is here to tell you what to expect as far as the tempeeatures. -t's going to be a nice day. i have a beef to picc you. >> because you were mentioning %-autumm is just 16 days awwy. p> and i'm amazed. >> it is, that is why yyu want to enjoy this nice day wherever you are today. >> absolutely. >> i was saying that thh orioles. i have good and bad news about the forecast that i gave earlier. the good news is, if you go o camden yards today, you will be3 able to sit in prooably any seat you wanted to sit in. >> and have great weather. >>tte bad ews is they're playing up in new york. this is had a you can expect there. take a look, a lot of sunshine and 77 degrees for the first pitch temperature at yankee stadium today not camden yards.
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you finished the home stand and you are making annassumption, you know what happens when you assume. i'm not going to say it on the %-here is what we got. temperatures around 66 degrees in baltimore, 62 in d.c. buu in hagerstown, ann 54 in salisbury. ttank you for the viewer who let me know what i wws misplaced with regard to the game. i may beedisplaccd ppetty oon. 51 in baltimore, 43 in hagerstown as far as the dew points are dry out there. dry conditions throughout the ssate. we will be looking pretty good from new york ciiy to doon here %-you re in the east part of e the states. patrice, thht'' a look at the forecast at both baltimore and yankees stadium. back to you. thank you, steve. 7:03 on fox 45 morning news. the head of the u.s. labor department pays a visit to ú%ward county. megan gilliland joinssliveewith the lateet on what she had to
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say about the state f tte economy on this labor day, good morning, me megan. >> reporter: good morning, patrice on the weekend we honor the working americans. solis is visiting some of the america. the secretary met ith firefighterssat the baniker howard station wheee the unemployment stands at a ow 5 5 .7%%, ut the figures showss hat the 9.6 of aaericans are wiihout jobs. while the numbers are grim, thei certiffcation sayis says the ecg forward. >> that is a big difference. >> reporter: but n fox news mccain blasted that argument, saying the economy policies have failed and more people are unemployed now than what the stimulus package was passed. the secretary will now head to
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milwaukee e joininggpresident owe ba a!!obama to speak to wore on this labor day. megan gilliland, fox 45 morning news. we want tooknow what you think, is the economy moving forward? it's thh question of the day. we will take your calls later and ttll us what you think or sound off through facebook, senddussa tweet aa fox baltimore or text your answer o 45 45203. enter fox 45a for yes orrfox 45b for no. officers say a man walked into a hospital around 3:30 this morning suffering rom a bulletd at southwest baltimore. there's no worr on the victim's condition or a suspect. to the hospital after being shot in the face. it happened innwest baltimore near pennsylvania and fulton ú%enues saturday night. according to poliie, the teenager is in stable conditiin and is expected to recover. another shooting this
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he was shot in the head riddy night near north baker, baker and north monroe streets. he died at shock trauma. in latest homicides bring baltimore's total to 144 so far this year, that is two less than this time last year. fox 45 viewers like you are3 fighting backk a tip frrm someone watching at home has helped to put another wanted criminal behind bars. -n our last fugitive file segment we highlighted tyrese -ackson. she was wa wanted for atttmpted murder. - viewer recoggized jackson and called police. she was arressed on early friday morning. >> we can't be on the streetss3 24-7 but with the citizens out timme it's definitely a help becaused,
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thissperson should not be on the street walking around. >> to see all of the people wanted in our fugitive files, go to and click on fugitive files in the news features section. fighting backmeet tell us what you're doing in your community to help clean up the streets. giveeus a call at (410)662-1456. the polls are open. earlyyvoting continues today for it's tte first time in maryland history voters will get a hance to cast bbllot well before the traditional election day. early voting began friday and will continue thrrugh the thursday the 9th. ú%ose extra days aren't free. at the will cost the state milliins. >> we pay so much in lives and %-vote for other people.ts to i think this is a small expense
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in orrer to encourage more of our itizens to ttke a part off3 in ttat fundamental parttof our democracy. p> early voting will be available for the general election this year. get more on the primaries and the november election, go to and click on the vote 2010 icon. ♪ ♪ the 11 best days of summer are wrapping up at the ssate ffir. last night of they had one thei3 biggest nights. the justin bieber concert was sold out in secoods and had folks sit for hours to get in. what else is there >> reporter: the 4h building is ooe oo those hidden gems. once you get insiie you will see all kinds of differenceearts and crafts ttat have competedú against and they give out the
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blue ribbons. last night theeblue ribbon performmr, justin bieber, makkng >> reeorter: after waiting in line sooe of them late hours, 5:00 p.m. and screamed their way to the front. the 90 minute set was packed and a lot of excited people getting over thhir bieber hang over we have some ladies here with us. you did not go to the justin bbeber concert, diddyou? >> no.ú >> reporter: you they were busy making dresses nd getting ready for us this morning. we have melissa, alissa and -lizabeth. you always have to have thh same names to be in 4h, but we're close here. tell me about this dress and maybe if you will win? >> of course, it's a dress, it has got pockets. >> reporter: how loog did it take you to make it? >> a week. >> reporter: you got a prom wear to prom..3 >> i did, i wore it last year.
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reporter: very cool. how long did it take you to make? >> about 3 months. -> reporter: how much money? >> about $100. >> rrporter: you saved money. how long did this take? >> about a week. >> reporter: it's similar to that one. >> yes. >> reporter: you are in ú%rect competitionnwith her. >> this is better. >> reporter: they go for the a cool fashion show going on here today one of the many things you can do here even thh last day of the fair. judge that. hoo are they beeig judged. what is the criterii. how do they decide that. >> reporter: they will have an expert coming in ere. they will e coming in and looking at the specific things, the actual stitching and thhngs like that. ttey had to modify the dresses somewhat even though theyyre th3 same pattern. it will all be taken into ú%count and maybe how it looks on them, i don't know. those are the things that would judge if i was looking or just ask her.
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>> thanks, joel..3 coming up celebrating the rich historr of -- the pig town. %-squealing over this wwekend. labor day, ppetty one with lots of sunshine and comfortable temperatures with 84 degrees.
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as a career prosecutor i made decisions on facts not politics. in washington, i'm trying to do the same. that's why i voted to crackdown on wall street and protect the bay. and why i voted against the $3 trillion budget,
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the big bank bailout, and against the health care bill. you see for me it's not about democrats or republicans it's about common sense and doing what's best for our families. maybe that's why i'm ranked one of the most independent members of congress. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message. squeals with dellght this weekend. town. we are live with detaiis for this morning's hometownnhot spot.ú gooddmorning, gerald. ood morning, i'm doing well..3 >> pigs on your shirt and pigs in the background. a lot going on at pig town. >> there's a pig town festtval at september 11 from. we will have artists and
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citizens that will be a big part is the running of the pigs. what is that about? >> we pay homage to our history when pigs were herded hrough the neighborhood. have little pig lets that will be racing this weekend. >> just the piglees or do people race along with them? >> no. it's the expectators, we will have a racetrack set up and there will be pigs that will be >> that is quite tte pose that that pig is out there now is striking? >> yeah, he is givingghis portrait painted by amber nelson. >> thank you so much. -e'rr going to checc in with you guys in a little bit. >the pig festival is on
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saturday of washington boulevard on saturday. for more information log on to that's the pig likeness, how about that. this is what is happening out there right now. you will like this, a loo of in the low 80s. sky watch hd radar looking good -or today and pretty much ith let's say much the week. will he will tell you a couple of little flies in the ointment. bic degrees in the inner harború ú%nds are calm, and 56% relative humidity. 50 is the dew poonn. you can see the temperatures around the state at 56 right now in baltimore. cooler at d.c. and milder in the metro areas, compared to tte -utlying areas. temperatures where they are, around 50, that means while there's dry air in place high pressure providing us with the dry airrand plenty of sunshine, too. to the easttand takes a little bit of sunshine for later this week, what we wiil see is he
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bit mmre as ww get more of a soothweeteely flow comiig in behind this front. the fronn moves in through, cooling us down on wednesdayy and maabe later, as it takes its time will be in wwrmer on wednesday in the mid-to upper 80s if it comes through earll3 earlier. thhre's aalittll suspects assfar as the emperatures on wednesday. it's light through the week p a light shower that comes wednesday night as a result of that paasage. drier conditions as we getú moves in then.y whee next front we are keeping our ye on theú tropics, because we still have the remnantt of the gaston. the tropical depression is 29-mile-an-hour winds..3 we are seeing it's expected to redeveloppas it oves tooard the antilles islands latee tomorrow and we will have the watch's progression if it does pick up speed and strength. right now, things are calm all 82 degrees is what we're expecting for a high temperature in the eastern shore today with
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northeast winds becoming southú west later. the northern part of the sttte climbing to 89 degrees with a northeast wind becoming south hhre about 5-10. that's the west looking pretty3 ggod. high temperature here of 83 degrees. lots of sunshine, winds shifting later today at 5 miles per hour. aa we move through the day, 76 degreee by noon. 75 with a lot of sunshine. getting the high temperature of 84, at 4 or 5:00 this afternoon. toniiht it will be pretty nice but on the cool side. that is seasonable, 5-11 miles 86 deggees for high. a lot of sunshine still, and then the suspect today with ttmperature wise, getting into the maybe upper 80s or as low as upper 70s dependiig how quick the front moves through. it could trigger a llght shower passing through in spots but not a big deal. 80 on ffiday and 77 with a better ccance of showers on saturday llter in the day.3 866degrees oo sunday witt mostly clear ssies. patrice, that's a look at your
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weather. back to you. consider it a board game for the 21st century. diiney interactive studios is -ut with a videoogame guilty party. up to four players can be a parú of a detective agency and sslve mysteries. the game has been designeddfor the 99 910 do!! nintenno wii.3 reeling in big catch much the surprise ttat one maryland fisherman was confronted with last week..3ú the labor day holiday means aaother chance to fire up the gril in just 10 minutes.
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life's not perfect. that's why there's perdue perfect portions. [ male announcer ] perdue perfect portions. ready when you are.
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nnw this morning, anne arundel county police make an arrest in deadly shooting in brooklyn park. a man was shot to death as he sat in his car. now police are charging markus mcfadden with murder. after months of controversy and a nationwide campaign from lawmakers in several states, craiggs list has removed its adult services category.3 the section on the popular free ad site was full of ads soliciting rostitution and child sex trafficcing. it wasn't until several states, demanding changes that raig's
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list cooperated.3 other uestionable ads have ú%art to pop up in other ú%ctions the site. police will have to monitor more sections of the site. dean reeled in a fish bull shark on wednesday. he was about a hall a mile from shore.3 experts say the last bull shark caught in the area was in the mid 1970s. and spending the labor day out back.3 out back restaurant is here. randy is here with more information on how to make it special today outside at the grill. >> how are you doing, steve. >> good. >> tell us you're going to be dding here. >> we will grill steak and shrimp and tomato basil. we will show you hhw to make a
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cllssic out back burger and a margarita.3 >> the shrimp and steak have already started and the teak and basil already started. that is not quite done. let's season one first. >> the first thing you're going to go toothe market is pick out a steak that is well-marked, usda chhice or primeefirst. >> sometimes people think they don't want any fat in. >> the fat is great for flavor. you want a griddle and get it as hoo as 400 degrees or so. then you're going to let the steak sit out at room temperature 15 minutes before you put on the grill. evenly seasoned both sides of the steak. >> whyydo you let it sit out first. it's kind of ike breathingú wine. ú% then you put this on the grill. you are going to use a half ounce of butter. >> hard to do with one hand,
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isn't it? >> we have a minute. >> cook the steak 4 to 5 minutes on each side. it's ubbling and sizzling. that means the grill is nice and hot. when a steak is coooing, let it cook. let the heat do its job. >> just let it do its job and let it sit, don't try to rush it. turn it, it's not going to bed ready. piece like that. with a big you would choose a big steak like this, with medium, rare and maybe rare. if you don't know howwto ell the temperature of a steak, if you make it okay, a finger, and touch the back of your finger, it's medium rare as firmness of the steak goes. after you let ii ccok 4 n 5 minutes, you'rr going to turn. this one is ready to go and we can put it on the plate right >> we got a liitle more time to
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go over it a little bit more. for more information log
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the race bbltimore's city ssate attorney many observers are making speculation of you on race wiil play a part. we have an african-american, verses a white challenger who is vowed to bring a free fresh >> stephen janice joins us.tem. >> greg better thanstein i bettm edgechallenger.
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>> his point is thattjessamy has been in for 15 years. for bette better bernstein is af change. >> a llt of people are saying black voters are going to vote for patricia jessamy because sh3 is black. and maybe that is over ai simplifying it. >> it was interesting because he ú%d a warm receppionle a lot of people were receptive to the idea of something new. it may be due to the antiincumbenciy, but truthfully, -e was reeeived well. %-if patricia jes jessamy were , would they be ready to change because of the antiincumbent >> it could transcend race,
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which is something that people3 haven't discussed. it's quite possible, because we went through the entire perk ees home and everybody said the same thing. we need something different. this is ot working. it could be possible that race -on't be a pha factor. >> what hhs history told us. you went to the last election, african-american women won the last election. history says that it's not true. what i say, it could be hat the idea could be wrong. >> the other thing about all of this is even if people do want change and were willing to vote for bette!! bette bernstein or a vote. >> should he shoothey shook hant when it comes down to the voting it's the only race in the primmry of any importance.
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>> that will help her approximate if they don't show up. >> it's a great questionn i don't think we have a ú%ont-runner first. to read more bout this story go to and click on inveetigative voice. coming up assessing the state of the economy. democrats aae fighting over. i'm joel d smith liie at the maryland state fair where a lot of people call themselves bakers but only one winner can call himself 7 years olddas well. what does that make you feel
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[ male announcer ] perdue perfect portions. ready when you are.
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welcome back to fox 45 morning news. 7:31 is the time on this labor day. good morning, i'm patrice harris. let's get a check on our forecast to see how much we will enjoy this labor day. meteorologist steve fertig is here. it's going to be nice. >> it was a great weekend. >> it was, lots of sunshine, low humidity and that is what we got today. a few degreesswaamer, 84 degrees as we are headed for the higg, right now we''e at 56 degrees in baltimore, 52 in d.c. and hagerstown at 51.g areas, and 50s, very dry air and dryy3 air will provide plenty of sunshine today. we will like it. it's going to be a nice day today and a nice weekend ahead. showers that will be moving up toward the north and east. the temperatures again will climb nicely to 4 degrees. you will be very pleasant,
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northwest wind becoming south at 5-66miles per hour. right now, back to you, patrice. 7:32 on the fox 45 morning news. the u.s. department of secretarr of labor made a visit to our region. %-she had to say about on thehat statt of the economy.ú >> reporter: hilda solis is visit iting som!!visiting ome t working americans. the unemployment rate standssat a low 5.7%. across the country it's much -igher. the latest figuue now show 9.6 oo americans are without jobs right now. while the numbers are grim, solis says the economy is moving forward. senator john mccain blasted that the stateeent.
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>> the economic policies have failed. and you can argue about jjbs created jobs saveddbut the fact is when theyypassed the stimulus package they unemployment would be a maximum of 8%. it's now 9.6%. %-it's an issue congress will focus on again when they return from the holiday. meanwhile the president aad the secretary will continue talksú around the country. meeting today at milwaukee to speak to workers there. megan gilliland. fox 45 morning ews. we want to know what you think. is the economy moving forward? it's the question of the day. our phone lines are open now at ((10)481-4545. you can also go to fox and tell us what you hink or sound off through3 facebook. senn us a tweet aa fox balttmore or you can text your answer at entee fox 45b for yes oo fox 45b for no. a town house in glen burnie
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goos up in flames and investigators belieee it was arron. it happened at 2:00 in morning on sunday at valiant circle. a woman andda child were inside at the timm but managed to make it out okay. investigators are still trying to figure out who set the place on fire. a 2-year-old boy dies aftee falling into a pool in anne ú%undel county. crews wereecclled to a home in pass deny on sundapasadena on s. the boy was take pulled out by a family member who we areeffrmed cpr. a crime alertthas gone out to maryland university students. police are urging tudents to be more vigilant. >> i actually got an emergency alert on my cell phone. >> reporttr: the latest off satissactorily uassault and robs ú%rhim. a student walking alone at
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2:00 a.m. saturday was beaten and mugged by two suspects..33 -p>> i heard of a couple of muggings before.3 this is lose to home and we live right over here. ii's pretty crazy. >> reporter: two students waiting for a bus were approached by five suspects. a couple of victims ran to the volunteer fire station for help, about the one was assaulted and robbed. >> it seems the suspects are preying on victims during the early morning or late evening showers. >> reporter: two days before the that incident a a similar one just down the street at the parking lot of the collarrion c- collarrioclarioo hotel. this time the victims were threú who left karaoke. >> basic inffrmation about the appear that they are linked. may >> reporter: police are urging students to keep theer guard up. >> i go jogging by myself but
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never out here or at night and i always go with a friend. >> if i ever feel threatened r i feelltheee was something, i will try to call 911. altogether, 7 university of maryland students have been involved innthe muggings, two suspects, a 15 years old and a 20 yyars old have beee caught, -ut investiiators warn they are looking for at least 8 more who are still out there. ♪ bieber fever has been replaced by bieber hang over. the canadian singing sensation concert was last night and we can only hope all people who can recover. joel d smith is live this morning with more onnthe show and what is still tt come on the last show.3 whoever went to thh concert last night robably has no voice though morning. no voice, i that the i would see teenage zombies walking it's clear, it seems everybody
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%-was loud at tiies. though it ♪ ú%baby ♪ baby. >> reporter: if you are waiting in line how about singing your favorite guy's songs the justin bieber concert attended been 10,500 strong. it sold out in minutes. only one time was thereea bit of stopped one of his songs ann had everybody to back up. it gets a little crazy, but %-time.did have a crazy good another thing you can do to have a good time ii comeeto the 4h center and check out all the winners and the second surge is if place. we have someene who won something very specialland who also is very young. how old are yoo jacob. >> 7 yeaas old. >> what did you win yesterday. >> i won a pillsbbry doll boy.
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because you made this, what is >> an easy apple pear pie. >> reporter: you came up with the idea for yoorself to make this. you come from a familyyof bakers, do!! doo'' you. >> yes. >> reporter: who else bakes in your family. i think your grandmother, our mom and pretty much evvrybody. >> uh--uh. >> reporter: they won before %-yyu won..3 your turn. >> reporter: we eaa this. >> yes. >> reporter: how good is it??3 >> it's very good. >> reporter: can you cut that for me. you're the expert, right? you want to use this, here ww go. when did you make this? >> last night. >> reporter:: last night, all right, i'm going to set it and cutting his for you. i'm going to give yyu the irst cut. then we are going to go into thiss i will brinn a piece back to you. i have heard good things about it. here we go.
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called he easy apple banana pie. iican see why he won. good job, jacob. thank you. let me hear him. that's what you win, that's betttr than a first place prize, i like that tting. only 7 years old and can make something that is worthy of winning like that. >> reporter: how long does it take to make this? >> reporter: 20 minutes. >> if is he now, how long has he been aking to be able to perfect something like that. >> reporter: he has been he almost has to win something, because this family, the grandma lass yeaa, i ate, a ccke r a pie from the mom and we have a sister that is guaranteed to win next year. we will see if the tradition keeps going. >> theee's ssmething in their
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blood. she could be on her way. joel, definiteey bring some f that back. >> you got it. the appll, banana pie. it's a labor day tradition that has nothing to do with grilling out or taking a trip to the beach. the importance of the today's mda tellthon. and summer is almost over. -eegot about 16 days left on the bay today. if you're
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why is roman meal bread nutritious? two slices provide at least sixteen grams of whole grains and an excellent source of calcium. roman meal bread: great taste and nutrition since nineteen-twelve. you want verizon. upgrade your family now and get an lg env touch. or get this samsung alias for just $29.99. plus add a line for just 9.99.
7:43 am
but hurry - offer ends march 31st ! families can connect for less at verizon. but hurry - offer ends march 31st ! the kids are back in school3 and you know what that means, weathhr kid wednesday is back in session.ú so if you would like your kid to be a part of the weather kid wednesdaa program, just have a teacher or a counselor seed
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their nomiiation to 2000 west 41st street, baltimore, the zip code 21211. or go to they will be working with the one and onll meteorologist steve pfeffefertig who is here let usw how our day is shappng up today. they will be headed to the maryland state fair. it should be a nice day to wrap thing ups ttere. as far as where we start this day, sky hd radar looking very3 dry. clear skies for the most part. looking good, temperature wise, 66 degrees downtown. they're reporting partly cloudy skies, winds are calm at 66% see the arometer steady and 50 is the dew point number. assan indication we have a lot %-62 in d.c.n place. 54 in and ooler in salissury. cooler at hagerstown and the dew points are in the 40s and 500. that means dry air, plenty of
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ssnshine. -nd the high pressure is what is sitting over us providing us with the nice weather. we will see plenty of sunshine and as high pressure slides off to the east a little bit more, %-flow that will bring us warmer temperatuues still for tomorrow befooe the front moves in by the end of the week. that front could be bringing us3 cooler temperatures as it moves earlier. only abbut thh 70s, but it takes sometime which ittmay o in computer mmdels.3 it warms up even more. keeping our eye on there, you see what that iss it's not exactly, but it could become tropical storm fer minute. we will be watching as we make its way towarddthe texas %-it if does, it will quickly diminish its strength as it goes onshore. we are looking at what are the -emnants of tropical ddpression gaston. it has 20-mile-an-hour winds..3 it could strengthen..3 it beers watching assit moves toward the antilles tomorrow and
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make its way toward the eastern seaboard for later on, perhaps, we don't know for ure, but it could strengthen. high temperatures today, certainly nothing to bother us, northeast winns and become southeast at 5-10 miles per hour. as we get to the ceetral part of the the day, 85 degrees for the sunshine. back to the west, high temperattre there, 83 degrees, plenty of sun, northeast winds hour. a pretty good day sttrting the day. we will get up to 78 degrees by noon. 79 degrees at 6:00 p.m. after getting the high of 84 right around 4:00 this afternoon.3 then tonight, mainly clear skies, we top 62 degrees overnight ffr the low. per hour. the ref of the week has temperatures climbing at 86, 84 on wednesddy, kind of iffy, temperature wise depending on the front moving through how fast does t move through. it may move a little bit faster and we cool doww a little bit3 only getting up to upper 70s to near 80. otherwise it will take more time
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tt get in here to warm it up. 80 on thursday, and 80 on friday with mostly unny skies. chance of rain coming on saturday, with a chance of 85, and 86 mostly sunny on sunday. ttat's a look at the weather. megan, back to you. ♪ 73 ♪ it is deal monday. every monday we will bring you a deal from mobby deals. this week's deal comes from bill's carpet fair. one room or more of carpet. just go to mobby to get started or look for mobby deals on your i phone or droid cell phone. >still ahead, 50 million americans remain unemployed, but the president says the american economy is making progress. ú% want to know what you think about this.
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is the economy moving forward? our phone lines are open. give us a call at (410)481-4545. give us a call at (410)481-4545. 7:48 is the time. as a career prosecutor i made decisions on facts not politics. in washington, i'm trying to do the same. that's why i voted to crackdown on wall street and protect the bay. and why i voted against the $3 trillion budget, the big bank bailout, and against the health care bill. you see for me it's not about democrats or republicans it's about common sense and doing what's best for our families. maybe that's why i'm ranked one of the most independent members of congress. i'm frank kratovil and i approve this message. hey, let me see that map for a second. just drive, we'll get there! adventure runs on dunkin', with our lineup of oven-toasted breakfast sandwiches. from egg white flatbreads to bagel sandwiches, grab your favorite just the way you like it.
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hurry in to dunkin' donuts for a delicious veggie or turkey sausage egg white sandwich.
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the latest numbers show 9.6% many members of the obama administration are spending the labor day holiday talking about the progress the administration has made. the unemployment rate stands at a low 5.7%. the president starts a nnw economic push in the midwest this week.3 policies have failed and nor people are unemployed now than when the stimulus package was passed. now that brings us to the question of the day. is the economy moving forward? %-phone lines this morning and
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-tart with linda from parkville. good morning linda. >>good orning, how are you? i'm great. it's labor day. on our labor day is the economy >> no, i don't think it is. my husband is in construction as wwll as other maryland mennthat are not working.ú the job and look attthe job sites, our men could get back to work. care owcarolinn from baltims calling. >> what do you think. >> the economy is moving, but it's moving slowly. it's making the push -- bush to create this mess, they could give hhm a couple f years to straightee it out. they need to get a life and chill out. >> carolyn thank you very much.
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we are going to the facebook page, absolutely not. get a clue, the only people the economy is getting better are hefty paycceck. who pull in a >> you can tell frrm all the boarded up store windows. >> oli, is the just as out of touch as tte rest of this adminissration. we haven't hit bottom yet, but it's comiig. the economy is moving barred. forward. 90% say no, it's not. thank you or alllof your responses. gearing up to grill out. the chef from out back is here just right.3 next, they havv been ggong at it for hours. we check in with the mda telethon and find out how the funding efforts are coming 0
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since 1966, the jerry lewis mda telethon has been raising association. this year it's no difference. the event is being held at our sister station. it's the cw baltimoree patrice harris is there. she is going to be showing us how mucc has been raised so far. oof to a good start, patrice. bulk of the monny will come ii -oday. i don't know if you can see the tally board. we're aa $5,000, but this just kicked off lasttnight. we will go all day long today and in years past we haveeraiseú over a million dollars. that is what we're expecting on this day as well. -e want everybody toocall in as soon as fox 45 morning nnws, switch over to our sister station, cwn and help raise the money for jeery's kids.3 we have den doing this for so
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many years. during the telethon you will hear fl th from the children and families that are impacted with3 muscular dystrophy conditions. you will hearrhow this money is making a difference in their lives. we talk about sending the kids off to the caap. $800 sends a kid to camp andú once you hear the stories of whattcamp means to them, you will not want to not give some kind of donation. we will get start in a lyle a le we will check in with you and see where it's going. >> these phone lines will e complete and the
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♪ i thought it was over here... ♪ [car horn honks] our outback always gets us there... ... sometimes it just takes us a little longer to get back. ♪
7:59 am
now it integrates your work e-mail, so you can be hooked up to everything you need to do. now it does 1 ghz speed on a more intuitive keyboard. turning you into an instrument of efficiency. introducing the new droid 2 by motorola. part of the next generation of does.
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re jobs in working americans. the status of the nation's economy on labor day. it's tte last days of the 11 best days of summer. what you can find at the maryland state fair on its last day. pick your laboo day cook out down unner. out back is hhating up the barbie with expert grilling tips. ú good morning. take a look aa that. we are starting the labor day weekend off with some tasty grilling tips for those of you who are at home and enjoying the holiday off and not at work on this labbr day. we will give you some of those tips in just a little bit. welcome to fox 45 morning news3 on this labor day.
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meteorologist sseve fertig and see how the holidaa weathee is shapiig up todayy if you're the eading out back to the out back steak house. we're going to be in the front yard, backyard, everybody, it will be beautiful today. take a look at across the state. we're headed toward the loww3 starting avenue on at 66 degrees in baltimore. 54 a little cooler, it's 50 degrees in salisbury. i am surprised as the temperatures quuckly climb. 53 in hagerstown. the dew points are in the low 50s, that is dry air in place and that means we're going to enjoy plenty of sunshhne and see indicated on sky watch d radar. that will steer to the north and east of us so that should be not bothering us. we are looking forrard to a high of 84 degrees. we will get there at 4:00 this afternoon as far as the high goes. let's look at the weather. let send it back to you, megan.
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thanks, steve. on thh weekend we honnr the weekenddof working ameriians. the secretary met with firefighters as the baniker fire station at howard county wheee the unemployment rate stands at a low 5.7%. higher.the country, it's much the lateet figures show 9.6% of now.icans are without jobs right solis says the economy is moving forward. >> we are created in tte last -ight months on n average 90,000 jobs pee month. the last 22 months when bush was president, there was no job growth. that's a big difference. >> on fox news sundayy3 repuulican senator john mccain -lasted that the argument, saying that the smik eeonomic policies have failed saying more people are unemployed out in thhn what the stimulus package was passed. it happened at west
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baltimore near pennsylvania and3 accooding to the police the teenage certify in stable teenager is in stable condition and is expected tt recover. a man was hot in the head near baker and north mmnroe street. he died at shhck trauma. this latest homicide brings baltimorr's total to 147 so far this year. that is two less than this time last year. it might be labor day, but the olls are open. early voting ontinues today for the maryland's primaries. it's the first time in maryland history that voters will gee a chance to cast their ballot well before the traditional election day. early voting began friday and willlcontinue through this thursday, the 9th. but the extra dayssaren't free and will cost the state millions. ú% we have paid so much in lives and money to secure the rights to vote for other people, i think that this is a small expense o pay in order to
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encourage more of oor citizens to take part in that fundamental part of our democracy. available for the general election this year. on next ear's primaries and the just go to and click on thh vote 2010 icon. a fisherman in southern maryland made a catch that you have to see to believe. willy dean reeled in aa 8-foot bull shark on wednesday. take a look at that. fishermen were in theepotomac river about a half a mile from shore. before the last weekend, the last bull shark caaght in the area was in the mid-1970s. seen the -- i saii, it's big. i don'tt now what it is, buu it's big. now the plans to get that head planted and may sample shark meat for supper.
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here's 11 best days of ssmmer are wrapping up at the state fair after -- by far it's the biggest night, too. the justin bieber concert sold out in seconds and had people waiting in line for hours to get in. joel d smith is live in timonium %-left after bieber fever, hi, joel. >> reporter: there's a lot less, actually. surprisingly some that were was over. therees a lot more. let's talk about ustin bieber. people lined uppfor hours andú once in line it was time to maae some noise. the screaming sounds of the twwens. they wwre there in their throngs of fans. when they entered last night after 5:00 p.m. after they waited in line ffr hours and pretty well. bieber stoppeddbecause the crowd
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them look back. everybody haa a great time. you come here and what is the aftermmth, a bunch of zombie like kids walking around. no. justin bieber fans? >> no. >> reporter: tell us about the award-winning dish. >> i made a pulsee phyllis buuy. >> reporter: he learn how to use the crust and go for it. >> you can use the crust and use everything else for your pie ingredients. >> reporter: how long have you been doing this? >> last week.ú >> reporter: you just decided tt go for it and then you win. that might make some people mad? >> it might. >> repprter: let's take a look a taste of this. is this a family recipe. >> i came up withhit, it's not a family recipe. >> reporter: it's now.
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we re going to chomp on some of these. i have been fed pretty good today, patrice. here we are for the caramel chai apple pie. and megan, it's delicious.ú it's good and even though it's upside down and it looks all messed up, he says it's okay. it's on purpose, right. >> i'mmtalking with a mouthed full. let'' throw ii back to you. >> reporter: you can eat all the pii around here because they're for displaa purposes. pretty cool that the firss time3 guy, came uppwith it and decided to come out here and he is a big winner. %->> reporterr you can go to the nationals. >> thank you, joel. yep. ♪ ♪ after months of speculation, kara confirms what everyone has
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suspected. she is leaving american idol. she faced major criticism assthe 4th judge when she joined simon cowell randy johnson and paula abdul in the 8th season. she quickly proved hhr creativity aad we saw her fuu side. now she follows the footsteps of simon. and ellen degeneres who announced in july she was leaving aater only one seaaon. there's ssill speculation as to whether or nottthe only remaining judge, randy will be back. -p>> american idol needs randy jackson because he is one of the his calm, cool and collected manner works well. people love randy assa judge. >> the big question now is who will it on the judge's panel next season. some rumored frrnt runners include jennifer llp owe lopez d stephen tyler, but fox has yet to confirm any of those names.
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the sse thes anddsounds of the neighborhood celebration. if you're headed to the activities there.ast date for a nice day to wrap things up. 84 degrees with a lot of sunshine. what you can
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go hoge wild. the pig town festival willlhave you screaming with joy. -oy is livdarrell is live with e home tonhometown details. i got to ask you, what is the running offthe pigs. >> it pays homage to the history of ppg town where pigs used to be herded through the streets. we pay homage by getttng some piglets that run around the racetrack. >> what is behind you? >> that is the big up t pig tow.
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on the dollar general w availabl >> who else will be performing. we have -- i you can get the full schedule at pig town festival.coo. >> it lloks like theepig ii out there shaking it. he is already having a good3 time. >> yes, heeis. there will be plenty of parking available at the b and o railroad museum. >> it sounds like a lot of fun. darrell, thank you. the pig festival is at the 700 block of washinnton boulevard. it's going to appen n saturday. take a look. here is what we ggt out there. as far as what ww have temperature wise, we will be climbing into the 80s today..3 skies arr clear looking at skk
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hd raddr. it looks pretty good with a my dry scan. the high pressure is doing itsú thing and a nice labor day indeed with 66 degrees starting %-partly cloudy skies. winds will be starting at 8 miles per hour. 59% relative humidity, and the high ressure, he reason, 51 iú the dew point number and that is also an indication of how dry it is. and 56 degrees is the starting temperature in baltimore. otherwise d.c. it's 65. %-metro area. to be warm in cooler in hagerstown at 53 degrees. there's the dew poiits in the low 50s for the most part. a little bit west as you head north and west. hagerstown as 44. the dry pressure bringing us this nice day with ple plenty of sun. take a look. low pressure moves in and comes north it will steer to the north and east. it will bring the frontal boundary through which will cool
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things down as we get toward the midweek. it may take a little time and wednesday the normal day. we will get temperatures aad the sunshine to be coming our way with the southerly flow briigin3 us the temperaturessin a day or two. then we are talking about wwat is happening in the tropics and what is headed in our direction. we got the tropical depression which is the remnants of gastonú at this poiit. we are spreading the antilless3 it's headed toward the west mayyb a little bit later. we will keep an eye on this one to see if it will strengthen. right nnw it's not a threat. lots of sunshine, northwest wind becomes attsoutheast at 5-10 miles per hour. the central part of the state is getting to 84 degrees for the high with a lot of sun. northwest wind shifting to the south. back to he west high temperature thereeof 83 degrees, a lost sun for everybody today. it should be a nice labor day aaross the board. 79 at 6:00 p.m., asking or the high of 84 degrees at 4::0 this
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afternoon. %-for the overnight low.ies, 62 south winds t 5-10 miles per hour. tomorrow it looks nice, a little bit warmer, 84 degrees on wednesday, the temperature could fluctuate a little bbt depending if we don't warm uppas much only getting o upper 70s and if it takes its time maybe we will get an ifff day as far as the temmeratures reading. 80 on friiay and 79 on saturday with a best chance of showers comiig in. 86 ask mostly sunny for your %-megaan, back to you. welcome to he bank robbery3 capital of america. in the town a career criminal has to navigate the streets of boston. the star is lively and it's directed by ben affleck. fox 45 has tickets to an exclusive screening nextt thursday, the 14th.
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juss be the 4th or 5th caller riggt now at (410)481-4545. and you're going to win a 4 pack passes. good luck. coming up, ugar and spice and eeerything nice. former spice girl shows usswhat she is eally made up. next take your labor day cook oot down under. out back is heating the barbie with some expert grilling ttps. with some expert grilling ttps. my grandparents, they had a huge garden, with tomatoes and cucumbers and green beans. nothing beats the taste of fruits and vegetables in the summer. they're juicier. more colorful. they're perfect. that's why at giant, you'll find farm-stand quality fruits and vegetables, at prices you'll love. this week, enjoy whole seedless watermelon, $3.88 each, and select summer fruits, 2 for $4. my grandfather would be very proud, and that works for me. celebrate summer, every time you shop with your giant card.
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/ out back steak house is herr to ú%lp you fire up your labor day we are here to give s tips on barbeque, good to haae you. today we grilled the steak and
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shrimp n the grill one of our fall items we are featuring today. we are going to season it with -he out back seasoning. >> we can't really disclose what is in it. >> it's a cravable flavor, it has nine, 17 herbs and seasoninn. >> you can get at at ocal grocery store. >> we got one going already. we put it with the steek and chicken we got cooking. >> it's a big burger. >> t'ssa really good burger. >> while that is cooking, we're going to toast of the burger >> is there a trick to that some. ú% we butter it and put it on we got the honey dijon chicken served with sweet potato fries. when they were showing us the showed the out back for a year.
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back o the end of this month, you have a chance on win a dinner for out back for a yeer. there will be a single winner for every single out bacc. the prize you want is to win out back for a year. >> nobody will be hungryythen. >> nobody will be hungry and nobody should walk out a looser. there should be a happy person at every out back in the country. >> that is going out back. >> we have the maryland going on there becauss we ggt crabs. >> got you. >> show us the seasons and the dessert. >> that is carrot cake. >> that is very popular. the out back fry seasoning and honey drizzle across it and then the steak and shrimp that we that we are cooking right now. and that's the no nor nor wedged
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ensalmon. anybody that is grilling at home, is there big mistake that people might make wwen they're barbecuing outside. >> in let the cook food. don't be out here flipping and turning it..33 uss a fork or a knife to pick up meet. >> why is that? >> if you poke a hole in it, all the juices come out and all the flavor. that is why we are use tongues s tooflip everythiig. >> what are you doing the next time. >> we're going tt make a margarita. we will have a nnce little drink at the end of the daa. >> a nice way to end the morning show. >> you can find more information byylogging on too3 we will bb with randy late ú%
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she will give you a serious doseeof grirl power.3 yyu know her as sppce, but the former spiceegirl a skyrocketing career on herrown. style network is making mel availaale to talk with s all about that this morning. good morning to yyu. >> good morning. >> so ou have been busy girl since spice girs. girls. you got your hand in a little bit of everything. >> i do. i like to keep life interesting at end of day. >> it couldn't be more interestinggthan you got going on right now. you have a reality show, it's a docu comedd.
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>> smain whaexplain what that m. >> you follow me and my family around. both my husband and i have careers. you get to see howwwe function as a family which is quite interesting. sometimes it's a bit stressful, sometimes it's not so much fun >> all right. it's hilarious. you're used to having cameras around. you have lived your career in the spotlight, camera is always3 home time and famiiy time. what is this for you guys to ú%ve cameras around capturing everything. >> they're not arounddlike every single second but they're around you know, it's funny, because our camera crew likes our family now. my 3 years old wakes up and says weere all kind of the family. >> it's nice. >> so what are peoole going to see because, you knowwsomeone
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behind the scenes, we to see you people know yyu for your stage person a. working on many different business centers, also doing school drop off, family dinners, cooking. you ggt to see regular stuff and unregular stuff. it's kind of interesting. and you know me and my husband,3 we decided to do this to kind of set the record straight. there's so many people that have so uch different opinions about my stories, and how we are as a family. we just figured, what the heck, what do we have to lose, let's do our own realitt show. that woold be annoying to have people saying something. set the record straiiht, let the people see and then you can go from here. >> exactly..3 >> congratulations on new show and everything else you have. >> by the way, i just shot the
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last week,. >> i just want to put it out back. >> i would never guess the way you jumped in with that. trend. >> i'm kinn of a late starter because i only started last week. >> you haae a lot of capping up to do, then. >> i do. >> hopefully you will get a lot ú% people that will follow ou. >> thank you for joining us this >> thank you. >> you arr watchhng fox 45 morning news, all loc upgrade your family now and get an lg env touch. or get this samsung alias for just $29.99. plus add a line for just 9.99.
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but hurry - offer ends march 31st ! families can connect for less at verizon. i thought it was over here... ♪ [car horn honks] our outback always gets us there... ... sometimes it just takes us a little longer to get back. ♪
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you're taking a live look at the mda tellthon. this is airing at our sister statton as we speak. patrice harris is there right now. we areegoing to check in a little bit and see how much money they have been raising so far. welcome to factio fox 45 moú news. happy holiday..3 we are checking in with steve
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fertig to see what we can expect %-the barbie. can be grilling on >> reporter: you will be ggilgrilling foo sure. you don't know if you will be able to grill for sure. temperature wise, we are looking at temperatures in thee50s this morning. ge53 degrees in hagerstown. 66 in haaer towns and 55 in dc. 52 n d.c.55 in salissury andúdf sunshineeto enjoy out there. even if you are nottgrilling, you ought to get outside to enjoy this beeutiful. temperatures climb to 74 degrees for the high. it should be a comfortable day3 tooay. let's send ii back to yoo, megan. bieber fever has now been replaced by bieber hang over..3 the anadian singing sentation's concert was last night. we can only hope that the
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maryland state fair can recover from all of that, all of those people. joel d smith is live there with morning with more on that show and what is more to come on last daa of the air. 11 days, joel. bieber fever, you got to be over can by now. we give ii to you to quench your it worked outtreal ggod. they waited in line for so long and while they waited in line they needed something to do. take a look. >> baby ♪ ♪ baby ♪ come ♪. >> reporter: yes, that is what teenage happening sounds like when you wait in line hours fairground last night in timonium to listen to justin bieber set. it worked out well for everybody. there's more left for everybody here. we are in the 4h ccnter right
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nnw. i haae somebody pretty amazing. look at this wood carvings, it looks like the beautiful swan, but look at that also a you do this all fair long. >> reporter: very good. doing this? >> yes, no problem. >> reporter: how long have you been working with the skill saw? what do you like about it? >> it's relaxing for me. i say it's a good stress tool. it relieves it or causes it. >> reporter: these baskets are amazing. how long does it take yoo to mmke one of those intricate baskets. >> i could usually finish it n one day. >> reporter: if people like theee a lot, where can they get them. >> ovvr at glen, and it's a consignmmnt shop is what it really ii. >> reporter: o you like the fair. >> absolute she.
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it's great. i'm here every year. >> reporter: justin bieber fever? >> i'm afraid not. it's aheed of my style. >> reporter: all offthose fans of justin bieber and that is a hug frrm justin bieber ann we have that for them. thht's a freshly made hug. we gore t are going to bbing ho the studio and handout ugs. last day of the fair, the 113 best days of summerr joel d smith, fox 44 morning neess mda telethon has been raisings, association. the event haa been held at the cw baltimore. patrice harris is there to tell usshow much has been raisee so ffr. >> reporter: hen you came and saw us earlier, the phone -ank was empty. we're about to get started with
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the telethon. nnw you can see the ppone barveg ibank volunteered their ime. as you can hear, theyycan't be more excited about it, because we hear the importance of how to do this telethon and the kidsú that ittwill impact. everybody that is here really loves what they're doing. they want to be a part of a long-time volunteer andú supporters. >> i have lot trackk over 10. >> why do you come here. a lot of people want to take this day to relax and not labor. >> when i was a kid the kkds touched my heart then and i have been committed to it every since. >> we have $5,000 on the board. what do ou hink we are going to end up by the end of the day? >> let's go for at least 250 or $300,000. >> you heard it herr, that is ú%at she is going for. >> she is somebody in the community who wants to be a art of it.
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we have corporate sponsored and businesses that want to be a part of this. here, you guys are with?ron >> and you all do this as a company to come out and be a3 part of it? >> yes, we do. >> how long havv you been doing it? >> a couple of years -- it's been several years. they been doing it every year. >> the phones are ringing already. ú% lowe's is very huge in supporting various charities, we do, we see familiar aces all the time. your face i see everywhere all the time. eedde nice to see yoo. >> nice to see you, patrice. >> reporter: didn't i see you at the fair? >> yes, you did. >> reporter: you make the rounds. >> why are you here this year? %-see what ou're wearing. to >> reporter: now that i'm
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thoroughly mbarrassed. >> when the phone are ring, you will be there to answer. >> reporter: you aal have been asslong as i have been here. >> almost. >> i'm not sure what the yearss3 aae. >> reporter: you just feel i'm gettinn old when i say how many ears i have been doing this. >> because we are in the community. -e have a special prize this year. for those of you who give $1,000 or more, i'm going to sipped my picture [ laughter ] ú% reporter: the phones are3 ú%ing to ring off offthat. [ laughter ] way to go, eddie! well, we are going to start in a few minutes, but as soon aa ú%u're watching the morning news, make sure you switch over to our sister station, the cw baltimore and get in on this telethon. you can make phonn calls ann -ake donations. and hey, you can't beat a picture of
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he has been a commando, a wrestler, the governor of minnnsota now jesse venture is a wood stop teacher. venture stars in the comeey wood stock. he is on the track to become a valedictorian, until he gets detention. wood stock is out on video tomorrow. 20th century fox sent us copies of the film on dvd. you can win ooe right now if you're tte 4th or 5th caller at (410)481-4545. let's go aheaa and check in with meteorologist steve fertiggand see ow the labor day plans are shaping up. >> he can't e as good as that
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carver at the state fair with that chainsaw. you want to checkkinnout and all of those activitiee, what a great day to do that. 84 degrees with a lot of sunshine. it's going to be a beautiful day aa the state fair. good.d radar right now, looking as far as temperatures, we're at partly cloudyyskkes, northeast. wind at 5 miles per hour. the barometer is rising, as high ttmperature moves in. bun i!!51 is the dew point numb. 60, in salisbury and cooler at hagerrtown at 53 degrees. as we check out the dew point numbers across the state, we are day in storeed 50s, a dry it will be very comfortable, verr pleasant, just a real terrific day to get ootside and enjoy this, the sunshhne.33 high pressure will hoff of!! moo the east. it will be bringing a southerly flow behind it. that will warm things tomorrow aad maybe on wednesday, too,
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depenn on how fast it moves in. if it takes longer, it will warm and if it comes faster, we will cool down with it. recently and it shhuld move toward the coastline of brownsville, that will be moving in thaa direction and weakening some. as we take a look at what is happening in the tropics, we should be keeping our eye on winds. it's not a tropical storm. it's a tropical depressioo. itts remnantt oo gaston. it may bbcome, strengthhn again theeantilles islands tomorrow ú%rning. we will be watching as it moves forward anywheee nearby. right now nothing but dry conditions, high in the eastern shore, sunshine in the eassern state we move to the high 86 degrees. western part of maryland getting
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up to 83 degrees or the high. also tte winds shifting froo the we will top out around 84 byú 4:00 this afternoon and drop back to 79 as 6:00 p.m. with still plenty of sunshine. 52 is te overnight low. it will be pretty tonight just like last night. temmpraturr wise, wednesday, we ill say 84, give or take a fee degrees..3 86 on thursday, a lot of sun. 79 wwtt the best -- ♪ ú ♪ when it's ttat nice, you don't need to hear steve anymmre. %-expect niie weather.trouble. > very monday we will bring you a deal of the week from mobby deal. this week's deal comes from ú-youucan save 40% when you buy
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one room r more of caristant carpet. gg to mobby deals to get you starteddor you can look ffr ú%bby deals at ndroid app. still ahead hot off the barbie, out back steak house is up he labor day cook out. ater a lot of shaking going on. the natural see esaster that happened the minute today is the day i double down.
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[ male announcer ] the kfc double down. double meat, double cheese, double bacon. double awesome. get yours today. so good. ♪ so s-o g-double-o-d good
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raise the glass to the hard ú%rking men and women in america on his labor day. we have tips on how to make the best cocktail. we have magic partner of out baak steak house.
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good to have you back again. p> hi, steve. >> how are you doing.ú >> i'm doing well. i think i'm going to be doingg3 well. >> we are going to make a thousand gold margarita. and the numbee one chosen tequila by wine nthusiasts. ii has a hint of caramel and oak in it. >> it's a higher standard, would you say? >> it's the old tequula that we use for our margaritas. take our tequila, and freeho is squeezed lime juice and make the tequila real quick. >> how do we go about it. >> we are going to add the tequila. >> how much are you putting in there?3 >> an ounce and a half of tequila. a half an ounce of triple x, and 3 1/2 ounces of lime juice. we're going to shake it for 8
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seconds.3 you ee on the glass how t's %-that is it's showing.tation that tells you that you're doing -p>> after you shake it for 8 second. you use a strainer and pour it into the glass that we already have made. ú% wow! >> it's rimmed with coache with. the lime juice on the end of itt allows the salt toistic. to stick. >> this is kosher salt. >> it's a more course alt. >> that's the margarita. >> we are done a few things for people at home. we gave them a few tips on sseak. >> reeember not to use a fork or a knife to picc it up. use your tongs season it and3 sear both sides of ii.
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>> don't overdo it as far as what you have to do. >> we still have burgers on the grill. let the meat cook and do its thing. we also showed, our honey dijon chicken. >> and tell me abouu the fries. -p>> those are sseet potato fri. ú%ey're veey, very good. they're served with the hooeyú dijon chiiken. -ou can get them with the other entruesentree and the that's thc burger with a little the mustard and american cheese on. >> reporter: that is aing about classic burger. most american burgers are smaller than that. >> we have the no nor wedgian salmon. room for dessert. big mistakes people make aad
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tips to remember. >> just let the meat do it's thing. for more information, log on ú% you re watching fox 45 morning
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almost every american homeú has one, but do microwaves somehow make our food llss healingy. i hop!ealthy. >> i hope not. dr. marssal has answer. do microwaveezap important nutrients from our meals. that happens wwether you use a momicrowave or an oovn. surprisingly microwaves have a better job of preserving nutrients because cooking time is shotter than others. when food has reached thh recommended temp to destroy bacteria. when using venneetabs, use a little water,,otterwise nutrients will leach out into the water. boiled broccoli leaves a compound that is a healthy paat3 of cancer preveetton.ú steam yyur broccoli insteed.
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go ahead zzppaway. it may even give you a nutritionaa advantage. i'm p after months of speculation,
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kara onfirms what eeerybody has suspected. she is leaving american idol. she faced major criticism as the 4th judge when she joined simon cowell, randy jaccson and ú%ul abbul during thee8th seeseason. now she follows in the footsteps of simon who departed amid fanfare in mayyand following in the footsteps of ellen degeneres. there's still speculation on
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whether or not the remaining judge, randd will be coming baak. >> he is one of the original american idol judges whose cool, calm and collected manner works for american idol. sit on the jjdge's panel next season. some rumored front runners include jennifer lopez and stephen tyler but fox still has to confirm any of those namms. some new babies shook up the entire continent of os traia when they were -- australia when they born. a little boy whose arrival really shook things up. >> it's a real shock to the system. >> reporttr: she was laboring in the hospital erthing wind when the suddenly the ground shook. >> it was seeing the machhne that was coming toward us. >> i had a panic. >> it ttok a couple of >> reporter: the husband tried to protect his wife froo
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the threat of falling debris. >> he jumped on her. >> i jumped on her, yyah. >> reporter: sse wondered if it was her fault. >> did we cause it? >> reporter: it's ooe of 21 births in the 24 hour period sinne the quake. it's more than for any other saturday ever. perhaps most surprised to this couple. >> she was in labor already. >> reporter: lincoln arrived safe and sound a few hours later. amazing. >> really, e got through the traumas in one day. >> we will tell you that is birthday caused an earthquake. speaking of all those kids. many kids are back in school and >> what is that?at means. >> that means weather kid wednesday to hang out with this guy. if you would like your kid to be a part of the weather kid
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wednesday program, have the teacher or counselor send their nomination to 2,000 west 41st, baltimorr 21211.3 a lot of kids would like to do it and most all the kids have a good time. >> it's hard job. not everyone can do that. >> it's enlightening for a lot of peoole. a lot to talk about today. 84 degrees, thaa is easyy 86 tomorrow and a will the of sun -- aalot of sunshine, and 83 degrees on wednesday. 80 degrees on thursday, and then friday and saturday, both near 80 degrees and it look for the best chances of showers on saturday. 86 on sunday with mostty sunny %--p>> perfect day to be labori3 over thaa grill. if you're outside picnicking or doing any of that for the holiday. >> great day. >> thank you. you have done well. >> on top of ttis, you're not going to watch a movie toddy. but we will give you one for th3 few tour because marmaduk is
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coming out on video. he is 1 of the most amous cartoon dogs. now he is also a movie star. that great dane accion film voice of that big dog.s the he doesn't like cats very well. 20th century fox sent us copies of that film to give away to you. 4th or 5th caller. give us a call at (410)481-4545. >> don't worry -- >> yes, no cats were harmed in the making of that movie. have a great labor day.


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